be careful of this!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Better be careful what you do.
It's traveling around the world
Day in and day out
The "Internet Spread" will catch up with you
Many years ago...
before the computer came around
This ailment called "Internet Spread"
was nowhere to be found
Now from morning to night
People are there...
You know where...
In front of computers sitting on a chair
That chair will do it to you every time
You know what I have found
The chair will make your bottom really round
You can try to sit
a little more to the left or a little more to the right
Instead of just flat
that still won't keep your backside firm and tight
I guess you can stand for a while
like an hour or two
then the muscles back there drop
Yep...that's just what they do
This is what happens
It all goes saggy
Next thing you know
you got a fanny that's baggy
This is the truth if it's something you dread
Don't sit in front of the computer
Or you'll get
"Internet Spread"


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