10 Myths About Your Brain

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

It's true that a lot is not yet known about the most fascinating organ in our body, the brain. However, recent scientific studies have proved one thing... that a lot we knew about our brains is just a myth.…

It's true that a lot is not yet known about the most fascinating organ in our body, the brain. However, recent scientific studies have proved one thing... that a lot we knew about our brains is just a myth.

Just imagine, we thought earlier that 'we use only 10 percent of our brains'. Nope, we use most parts of it for different everyday activities. According to the Smithsonian.com, 'Brains are expensive—it takes a lot of energy to build brains during fetal and childhood development and maintain them in adults. Evolutionarily, it would make no sense to carry around surplus brain tissue. Experiments using PET or fMRI scans show that much of the brain is engaged even during simple tasks, and injury to even a small bit of brain can have profound consequences for language, sensory perception, movement or emotion.

Here are some more myths about your brain:

1. "Flashbulb memories" are precise, detailed and persistent.

2. It's all downhill after 40 (or 50 or 60 or 70).

3. We have five senses.

4. Brains are like computers.



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