Types of waste

Friday, August 13, 2010

Types of waste
Waste is any material/liquid that is thrown away as unwanted. As per physical properties, waste can be categorized as:
A: Solid waste: Any waste other than human excreta, urine & waste water, is called solid waste. Solid waste in rural areas generally includes-house sweeping, kitchen waste, garden waste, cattle dung & waste from cattle sheds, agro waste, broken glass, metal, waste paper, plastic, cloths, rubber, waste from markets & shopping areas, hotels, etc. Solid waste can also be defined as the organic and inorganic waste materials produced by households, commercial & industrial establishments that have no economic value to the owner.
As per biodegradability, solid waste can be classified as:
• Biodegradable: Waste that are completely decomposed by biological processes either in presence or in absence of air are called biodegradable. e.g. kitchen waste, animal dung, agricultural waste etc
• Non-biodegradable: Waste which cannot be decomposed by biological processes is called non-biodegradable waste. These are of two types:
• Recyclable: waste having economic values but destined for disposal can be recovered and reused along with their energy value. e.g. plastic, paper, old cloth etc
• Non-recyclable: Waste which do not have economic value of recovery e.g. tetra packs, carbon paper, thermo coal etc.
B: Liquid waste-Used & unwanted water is called waste water
• Black Water: Waste water generated
in the toilet is called “Black water”.
It contains harmful pathogens
• Greywater: Waster water generated in the kitchen, bathroom and laundry is called “Greywater”. It may also contain pathogens.


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