Write a poem

Saturday, February 18, 2012

I want to read that there are deep inside
your soul, go into a verse
undressing to the essence sublime
that President.

I am writing with invisible ink
so that nobody knows nor understands
all the affection that you profess my soul
enclosed in a sublime silence.

I bare my heart before you complete
you know me and I guess all my dreams
my soul incentive to fly through the skies
without the distance or time.

Time is an illusion that hurts
and the distance is a deceptive dream
Today I would like to dream and be golden unicorn
crossing the universe and cross the seas
reach a destination and next to you possess.

Elevated me, my golden unicorn,
Prince of my dreams
see, surquemos again the starry sky
and discover yourself
what I guessed so long ago ...

Furrow with you the starry sky
get a gold star
the most beautiful of all
and would like headband
in your hair Prendes
reach the moon
and tell with an eye
what you guessed
and I have so much time silent ...


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